Letter to members

December 2020

Dear Members, dear friends,
unfortunately, many words are not needed to comment on this terrible 2020. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had a devastating impact all over the world and in all activities. Naturally, the world of vintage cars has not escaped the heavy sacrifices that had to be registered in rallies, exhibitions, contests of elegance and races.
Our Registro has not been able to develop any initiative and for this reason we have decided that the 2020 membership fee will also be valid for 2021. Of course we hope it will be a better year than the previous one, and it will not so difficult!, in which we will propose again on the weekend 3-5 September our annual meeting "The 6C in Trieste" maintaining the same very nice program that was already planned for 2020. We really hope for a better future from a health point of view, but also from a social and economic one for a world that is living everywhere an experience of truly unimaginable and unpredictable global gravity.
I just have to wish all of you and your families the dearest and most affectionate wishesfor a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 
Stefano Centanni

p.s. fee 2020 € 80,00
Email: fabrizio.borghi@6c2500.org
Fabrizio Borghi c / o Bank: Banco di Desio
Iban number: IT42 D034 4033 8700 0000 0454 100
Causale:  6c2500